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QBCC Documentation
QBCC documentation can be found here, both written by the authors of QBCC and by contributors. All documentation is available in html or plain text format (more formats may be added if requested enough =)

Have you written a tutorial for QBCC? Why not submit it and have it presented on this site? Send an email to with the tutorial attached.

QBCC Manual (coming soon)
The complete (well hopefully it should be) manual for QBCC, detailing every Function and Sub in the language, as well as some of the internal workings of QBCC's standard BASIC library (libbasic).


Installation (coming soon)
This document details how to install QBCC on each platform it supports as well as configuring it correctly.


Platforms (coming soon)
Details of what OS's are supporting and special notes on compatability between platforms.


Differences from QB4.5 (coming soon)
This document details the additions, ommisions and changes between QBCC and QuickBASIC 4.5 (the version QBCC is based on)